A 30 day 1:1 program to conquering self-doubt.
As women, we’ve been conditioned to doubt our worth making us feel...
A failure
Not “enough”
Judged by other moms
I’ve been there too.
I remember when I had my first baby. I wanted so desperately to be the, “perfect” mom and wife. I felt the need to “prove it” to everyone that I could do it all, from the perfect clean house with meals on the table, to keeping calm when the baby cried non stop for what felt like hours. I thought I could keep up with these, “super moms,” but it was killing me.
I was scared to talk about all the times I spent sobbing on the bathroom floor with my hands over my ears, rocking back and forth, repeating “I. Can’t. Do. This.” over and over again while I failed to comfort my crying baby. I felt alone, ashamed, and discouraged.
I feared I would be judged by all the other “super-moms.” It wasn’t until my second child was born, that I realized I was causing more harm than good. I noticed other moms were feeling just like me. Having emotional outbursts of anger, sadness and being afraid to talk about it, not knowing how to see past the story of perfection that has been passed down for generations. I knew something needed to change.
When I began to prioritize myself, I found freedom to rediscover who I was as a woman and mother, and so can you.
By doing the inner work, you will reconnect to yourself so you can…
Be a role model for your kids
Feel empowered as a parent
Speak your truth with confidence
Impact others in positive ways
Rediscover your “badassery” as a woman and mother.
This can all be possible when you reevaluate your past, the unhelpful thoughts and the stories that hold you back from what you desire.
This allows you to get clear on where you are now, shed light on what the root problem is that is holding you back, and to determine your readiness. Plus we want to be sure we are the right fit for each other. Nobody wants to spend time with someone they aren’t feeling connected to right?!
We understand that your time is important. We also believe that true change needs time, space, and grace to last. Picking the program that fits your needs and desires is one of our highest priorities. Our desire is to create a personalized protocol thats designed to fit your life, builds your confidence in handling unhelpful emotions and thoughts, and so you feel empowered. This means the tool box you will cultivate will fit your needs. Each of us needs things at different times and when we are open to making a shift toward change. We have tools and techniques that help guide, provide clarity on making decisions, and initiate an inner shift that creates lasting change. You are unique and so is your protocol.
Change can feel scary, it can test us and challenge us. It can even trigger things that you didn’t know you were still holding onto. With our unlimited support, you have the opportunity to keep the lines open and gain clarity when things feel foggy or vent when things are chaotic. We want you to know you are not alone.
How it works
We believe that when you reevaluate your past and get to the root of unhelpful beliefs, behaviors, and habits, it becomes easier to be seen and trust yourself again.
Hey I’m Heather!
As a Certified Life and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic- Programming) Practitioner. I work with women and mothers by helping them realign and rediscover themselves. This is done by remodeling the unhelpful rooted beliefs and patterns that have them feeling stuck and defeated by the voice in their head saying, “I'm not enough” so they can promote self-love, self-acceptance, and recharge their confidence and capability in managing their emotions, stress, thoughts, and anxiety. Now, they can create the life and version of themselves they desire and deserve.